Building an online delivery platform for the Instacart of Bermuda.
DropIt was the island of Bermuda’s first online grocery delivery service. The company partnered with Lindo’s, the largest grocery chain on the island, to delivery food to customer’s homes and businesses.
The challenge
DropIt presented FUZE with one of the biggest but most exciting challenges in our company’s history. We had the opportunity to create a site that functions very much like Instacart and allows customers to shop for groceries online and have them delivered to their homes or businesses. The site also has a separate section for visitors to schedule local deliveries, meaning they can have anything that fits in a passenger car delivered to or from any location on the island.
While the front end of the website is quite simple, the real magic happens behind the scenes. Our dev ops team programmed a custom portal that allows Drivers and Shoppers to review, edit and approve orders. The platform also integrates with an API called GetSwift to track each driver’s pending and completed deliveries. Lastly, we created a full reporting dashboard where the client has a comprehensive view of daily orders, profits, fees to be paid to drivers and shoppers and much more.
The most exciting part of this effort was that during the Covid-19 pandemic, DropIt was the only business on the island of Bermuda permitted to make deliveries. With all restaurants and smaller markets closed, DropIt proudly fed thousands of people during the worst days of the crisis. This unexpected level of early high usage forced us to react rapidly to an ever-changed set of client needs, to ensure they could continue operating at full capacity to meet demand.
+ Custom Woo Commerce Development
+ Custom Creative Design
+ CRM Portal Development
+ Operational Automation Platform Development
View Live: http://www.dropit.bm

“Working with DropIt has been a truly incredibly learning and growing experience. The onslaught of Covid-19 forced the project to be pushed forward at breakneck speed. We are incredibly proud to have been a part of a project that helped thousands of people in need. This is why we do what we do. “
– Allen Greer
Founder, FUZE